Wednesday, December 7, 2011


At the December 5 meeting, members voted to suspend the January 2012 meeting due to the proximity of the holidays. The next meeting will be held in February 2012, with the exact date to be determined. The VFW Hall is being used by the Town of Ipswich on the first Tuesday of February and may not be available for Legion use. Members will be notified when an exact date is determined.


At the December 5 meeting, the members voted the following charitable donations for the Christmas Season:

- A $250. donation will be made to Ipswich Caring for the benefit of needy children. Ipswich Caring provided needed clothing and toys for Christmas.

- A $50. donation will be made to the Ipswich Food Pantry to provide a turkey dinner for Christmas to a needy family. A turkey dinner was donated for Thanksgiving.

- A $30 donation will be made to the American Legion Department of Massachusetts Holiday Raffle. Money raised will be used to fund Veterans Programs.

- The annual Christmas Food Drive will continue until December 22. One load of food has already been delivered to the Ipswich Food Pantry.